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Rté Hub Lessons for week commencing April 20th


Week 4 – 20-24 April 2020

Class 1-2 Subject (Topic)

Class 3-4 Subject (Topic)

Class 5-6 Subject (Topic) TX16 (20th April) Gaeilge (Éadaí) 054 Art – marbling (077) SPHE (Worry) 056

1-2 = Todays Irish lesson is on the subject of the Irish words for the clothes we wear

3-4= Today we learn to make our own prints with a technique called marbling using items we can find in our own homes

5-6= Today we’re going to be talking about worries and tension and hopefully by the end of this lesson, you’ll be feeling a bit better and will find a way to cope with our feelings around all of this uncertainty

Class 1-2 Subject (Topic)

Class 3-4 Subject (Topic)

Class 5-6 Subject (Topic) TX17 (21 April) SPHE (Helping at

Home) 057

SESE (Counties of Ireland) 053

English (Haiku) 051

1-2 = Today we learn to understand our homes and that everyone’s home is different. We learn that co-operation is an important part of looking after our homes.

3-4 = Today we learn all about the 4 provinces Leinster, Munster, Ulster, Connaught.

5-6 = Today we learn all about Japanese Haiku poetry, syllables and how to craft our own Haiku

Class 1-2 Subject (Topic)

Class 3-4 Subject (Topic)

Class 5-6 Subject (Topic) TX18 (22 April) Art (Stencils) 052 English (Biography)


Music (Carnival of the Animals) 059

1-2 = Todays art lesson is about printing using stencials - how you can use everyday objects as stencils and the difference between positive and negative images.

3-4 = In English today we learn about autobiography. We learn how to write for a purpose and with a particular audience in mind (Informational-biography) We Identify key information that must be included in a biography/autobiography.

5-6 = Today we learn about the importance of pitch. We learn how tempo and dynamic choices contribute to an expressive musical performance. Distinguish the main instrument heard in a piece of music.

Class 1-2 Subject (Topic)

Class 3-4 Subject (Topic)

Class 5-6 Subject (Topic) TX19 (23 April) Maths (Data) 038 PE (Circuit Lesson)


Science (Solar Oven) 061

1-2 = We are leaning how to discuss probability and chance

3-4 = Today we learn to appreciate that despite the current restrictions physical activity is still possible and encouraged. We do some circuit training and remember the importance of stretching

5-6 = Todays we find out that mirrors and other shiny surfaces are good reflectors of light. We are shown how to make our own solar oven. Understand the role of sunlight in photosynthesis and appreciate that the sun gives us heat and light without which people and animals could not survive. Learn that light is a form of energy.

Class 1-2 Subject (Topic)

Class 3-4 Subject (Topic)

Class 5-6 Subject (Topic) TX20 (24 April) Drama (Exploring)


English (Poetry) 062 Gaeilge (DulSiar ar

Éadai) 063

1-2 = Today we learn all about drama by playing at make-believe. We learn the importance of concentration and being aware of others and we can go anywhere in the world without leaving our homes, by using our imaginations.

3-4 = Todays we learn that English has different genres and that poetry can have different rules depending on the type of poem you are writing.

5-6 = Today’s Irish lesson we do revision of items of clothing more suited to an older class and we learn an Rogaire dubh.

RTÉ Home School Hub Notes:

1. RTÉ Home School Hub is on RTÉ2 Monday to Friday at 11AM. 2. RTÉ Home School Hub Extra is on RTÉ2 Monday to Friday at 04:10PM 3. RTÉ Home School Hub is also available with ISL on RTÉ 2 Monday to Friday at 1pm and is also

available on RTÉ Player. 4. The class groups are divided as follows:

• 1st - 2nd Class – Múinteoir Ray

• 3rd – 4th Class – Múinteoir John

• 5th - 6th Class – Múinteoir Clíona 5. Additional bespoke activity sheets are available for each episode of RTÉ Home School Hub.

These are available for each class group and can be downloaded in both Irish & English where appropriate at 6. All episodes of RTÉ Home School Hub and RTÉ Home School Hub Extra are available to watch

as catchup on RTÉ Player at 7. Tailored audio content is available based around the daily lesson themes on the RTÉ Home

School Hub Podcast which is available at 8. A weekly ‘Big Kids Quiz’ is also available each Friday for 1st-3rd class & 4th-6th class groups on

the RTÉ Home School Hub Podcast at 9. RTÉ will also add additional educational based content on with

existing collaborations with institutions such as IMMA, Fighting Words, Microsoft DreamSpace, Irish National Heritage Park, Science Foundation Ireland, UCD Insights Lab for example. Other collaborations will be curated and added weekly to the 3 individual RTÉ Home School Hub class sections.

We would ask that any social media activity related to the RTÉ Home School Hub is tagged with #RTEHomeSchool

Please note that this is the provisional broadcast schedule for this week and it may be subject to alteration.

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