Advice for parents on helping their children: http://www.meddybempsguide.com/parents/Introduction.html
Keyboard skills (typing): http://www.auntlee.com/kids/easy_typing.html
Fun with animation: http://www.kerpoof.com
Coding with Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/
www.scoilnet.ie A very useful online forum with a wide array of resources (emphasis on free tools). Resources are organised into theme pages and the website is easy to navigate.
www.twinkl.ie/offer Created by teachers, ideal for home education, it has lots of appealing games, stories, worksheets etc. It is offering a free month’s subscription (enter offer code: IRLTWINKLHELPS).
www.cúla4.com A collection of resources as Gaeilge – cláir, físeáin, cluichí, tomhais agus srl.
www.helpmykidlearn.ie this website is packed full of ideas to help your child learn every day!
https://www.nessy.com/free-trial/signup Designed to help students of all abilities learn to read, write, spell and type.
https://dabbledoomusic.com/p/parents-subscription-full-access/?product_id=1122889&coupon_code=FREEMONTH This is a fun way to learn about music. Make music at home with any instrument. FREE trial
https://www.spellingcity.com/ (use promo code VSCFree90 to gain access to premium for free for remainder of year.)
https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ (free EBooks)
www.padlet.com A collection of tools, apps, ideas and sites to support Irish Primary pupils working at home.
www.askaboutireland.ie A treasure trove of resources with an Irish interest, focusing on our national culture.
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/1891366/Learn to programme interactive games, stories and animations with coding.
www.khanacademy.com Non-profit site with provides free video tutorials in maths and reading.
www.IXL.com Subscription-based learning experience that provides curriculum-aligned maths and English content from junior infants up to sixth year.
https://www.natgeokids.com/ie/ National Geographic Kids - Learn about science, geography and history.
https://www.nasa.gov/kidsclub/index.html - Child friendly resource where children can learn about science and space.
www.iamanartist.ie A visual arts initiative comprising 30 short TV programmes (each 6 minutes in length), an interactive website with slideshows, lessons, weblinks and interactive games, providing a stimulating collection of curriculum-mapped resources building on the visual arts curriculum in Ireland.
https://school.bighistoryproject.com/bhplive (13.8 billion years of history – Senior level)
https://www.gonoodle.com/ Movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts.
https://rtejr.rte.ie/10at10/ Daily activities for children
https://www.cosmickids.com/ PE Activities
https://www.counton.org/games/ (maths games)