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Sciath na nÓg, Louth V Meath Blitz 2022.

Last weekend I went to Louth to represent my school in a Meath V Louth Gaelic blitz. When I got to Cuillenstown at 09.30 we were split into 4 teams. The 4 Meath teams were going to play the 4 Louth teams. We got a team talk in the changing rooms before heading onto the pitch to warm up. We were told that the highest scoring Meath team would play the highest scoring Louth team. We started the first match and won by quite a lot. Our next match was the same but our third match was really close, luckily we won. The last team we played were unbeaten until we showed up. We ended up playing the 4th team in the final and we won. Afterwards there was a medal ceremony. Our team got gold medals and I got chosen to be presented the shield. It was so much fun and I really loved it. I was very proud of myself and my family and school are proud of me too.

By Caoile Murray, 6th Class, Rathbeggan NS.

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